VT IAFF Newswire
Current news directly from VT IAFF locals.
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Gene McDonough Scholarship Fund for more information call the STJ Firefighters at 802-748-8925
07/28/21 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
Safe Staffing Levels
09/03/16 - BFFA 3044
By Mike Kirby and Tom Lakamp Published Tuesday, April 24, 2012 | From the June 2012 Issue of FireRescue With the current economic climate and municipal budgets constantly under attack, municipal officials are endlessly scrutinizing the necessity for and deployment of fire department personnel. As a result, fire company staffing has become a hot topic.
Elmwood Ave Fire
01/26/15 - BFFA 3044
PFFV Firefighters Working This Winter
12/24/14 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
The Professional Firefighters of Vermont want to remind you that even when the weather is inclement and the temperatures are freezing, we still have a job to do. In fact, the number of emergencies typically increase on days when the weather is bad, or it is extremely cold.
What is a Firefighter Worth? Must read
05/22/13 - BFFA 3044
What is a firefighter worth? There has been so much talk recently about things like containing costs, lowering taxes, and those who work in public safety being overpaid - particularly firefighters - that it could make your head spin. We've all done the "simple math," crunched the numbers, and it all seems to boil down to a simple question. What are firefighters worth.
Coats for Kids
05/08/13 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
Early Morning Fire
01/21/13 - BFFA 3044
One man’s home was destroyed in an overnight fire in Burlington, according Burlington Fire Department Deputy Chief Bruce Bourgeois. The occupant, whom the department did not name because the fire is under investigation, was taken to the hospital for treatment of smoke inhalation.
New Officers
01/21/13 - BFFA 3044
SJFD is Vermont Strong
02/17/12 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
Burlington Firefighters Union will not back a candidate in the Burlington Mayors race.
02/10/12 - BFFA 3044
On Tuesday, February 7, 2012 the Burlington Firefighters Association, International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 3044 held a Mayoral forum. The purpose of this event was to allow firefighters that work in Burlington’s firehouses to meet with and talk to the candidates for mayor. About half of the City’s firefighters were in attendance.
02/03/12 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
Town of Hartford: Firefighter Opening
01/26/12 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
Support Hartford L2905
01/06/12 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
VT Clean Up Day
10/25/11 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
PFFV Members worked on Vermont Clean-Up Day in Rochester to assist families that received damage from Hurricane Irene. PFFV Members responded to emergencies during and after the Hurricane and now have returned to help communities clean-up. Pictured below is Brad Reed from St.
09/22/11 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
BRATTLEBORO FIREFIGHTERS HIT THE STREETS FOR MDA   BRATTLEBORO, VT – Brattleboro Uniformed Firefighters Association raised over $3,300 last year for MDA through a Fill the Boot Campaign throughout the City of Brattleboro.
Honoring our Fallen
09/20/11 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
  On Sept 17, 2011, members of the PFFV Executive Board and Burlington, Local 3044 had the honor of participating in the Annual Memorial Service at the IAFF Firefighters Memorial in Colorado Springs, CO.  They were present to commemorate the unveiling of Lt.
PFFV Members Participate in Cancer Awareness
09/13/11 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
2011 Cuff Cancer
08/23/11 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
PFFV Members (and a members son!) shaved their heads to support Camp TA Kum TA, a camp for kids with cancer in South Hero, VT.
PFFV Raises $600 For American Cancer Society
08/19/11 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
2011 Entry Level Fire Fighter Testing
07/26/11 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
Announcing the 2011 Entry Level Fire Fighter Testing.  All applications must be in to the VFA by close of business on Friday, September 30th.  These attachments are in PDF format to avoid any altering.  Please post this information in your Departments and on Department and Local websites.  DPS - VFA will do advertising in papers throughout the State.
PFFV Annual Firefighter Night with the Vermont Lake Monsters
07/08/11 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
Mass of Thanksgiving 7/16/11
06/28/11 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
All PFFV members are invited to attend a Mass of Thanksgiving on Saturday, July 16th at 4 pm at St. Michael Church in Brattleboro, VT.  At this Mass we will celebrate Father Richard O'Donnell's appointment as State Chaplain for the Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont.  If you plan to attend please RSVP to (802) 257-5101 by July 10th and please wear Class A Uniform.
Local reverend named as state fire chaplain
06/10/11 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
  Local reverend named as state fire chaplain By CHRIS GAROFOLO / Reformer Staff Posted: 06/10/2011 03:00:00 AM EDT Friday June 10, 2011  BRATTLEBORO -- The Professional Firefighters of Vermont announced this week the local Catholic church leader Richard O'Donnell was appointed as the first state chaplain for the union.
PFFV Convention Reception
05/16/11 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
2011 New England Walk for Burn Awareness
05/04/11 - Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont
  • Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont

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