PFFV Firefighters Working This Winter
Updated On: Jan 22, 2015

The Professional Firefighters of Vermont want to remind you that even when the weather is inclement and the temperatures are freezing, we still have a job to do. In fact, the number of emergencies typically increase on days when the weather is bad, or it is extremely cold. It is not uncommon for firefighters to be working on the side of the road during slippery conditions, or on a roof in sub-zero temperatures fighting a chimney fire. We still respond to every emergency call that we receive. So the Professional Firefighters of Vermont want to offer a few tips to help you reduce the chances that you may experience an emergency of your own, and increase your chances of a successful outcome if you do experience an emergency

1. Have your heating plant checked and cleaned each year by a qualified technician

2. Be sure that you have working smoke and CO detectors in your home, and the batteries are fresh

3. Keep snow/ice build up cleared from exhaust pipes around the home and vehicle

4. Apply salt or sand to increase traction on walkways to prevent fall injuries

5. Take breaks when shoveling to reduce the stress on your heart

6. Adopt a hydrant near your home and shovel it out so firefighters can easily access it

7. Be sure that snow does not obscure your house number so responding firefighters can easily see it

8. Check your chimney flue's and clean them on a regular basis as needed. Do not allow creosote to build up

9. Slow down when driving during storms where visibility and road conditions deteriorate

10. Slow down and move over when you approach people working on the side of the road

11. Obey all traffic laws. Do not text and drive, and use your handfree device to talk.

In an emergency, dial 911. 

  • Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont

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